A blast from the past! Check out Storm when she led the X-Men team in the 80s in Storm #1 by Marvel Comics!

STORM #1 (OF 5)
Writer: Ann Nocenti
Artist: Sid Kotian
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Editor: Mark Basso
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: May 24th, 2023
Previously in Storm: Storm has been a thief and a goddess who developed the mutant ability to control the weather. Now she leads the Morlocks and the X-Men featuring her iconic mohawk hairstyle!
Storm #1 starts with Storm leading the X-Men against the Brotherhood of Mutants. She counters the Brotherhood at almost every turn. Storm uses the strength of Wolverine, Colossus, and Nightcrawler to her advantage. After the fight, Mystique taunts Storm about them being just a distraction before running away. Storm berates Kitty Pryde for not following her instructions and Rogue for her lack of restraint against Mystique. She then lets her team go to the beach for the rest of the day off. Wolverine questions Storm about how hard she is treating Kitty, who is experiencing a lot of change after Storm changes her outfit after beating Callisto. Kitty later rebels by asking Rogue to take her into town
Storm cannot use her abilities during the beach trip and nearly drowns. She then takes a long journey on her motorcycle home to gather her thoughts. Here, she meets Travis, a climate scientist who built nanotech that cleans up smoke and converts it to clean air. Storm decides to meet Travis later on the beach. Upon arrival, she is attacked by a creepy person in a red cape. And this person seems resistant to her lightning strikes. Storm falls into the ocean, unable to use her powers again.
I struggled with Storm #1. I haven’t read this specific era of X-Men and spent the entire issue trying to play catch-up. I don’t understand the relationships between Storm and Rogue or Storm and Shadowcat. I don’t know why Kitty decided to rebel a little bit about the issue and the significance of that. When I read comics in the 90s and early 2000s, we were already passed Mohawk Storm. Even after several read-throughs, I still don’t understand the implications of some of these decisions. Storm #1 tries to insert itself within a comic line from a while ago and is trying not to step on the toes of those other runs. When that happens, we lack the character descriptors and growth that is natural in different comic arcs, and I fear that this comic is heading in that direction.
I appreciated the art callback in this issue. I liked the character outfits of the 80s and the choices they made. Some of these panels were riveting, especially with how vivid Storm’s powerset is. Great work here by the creative team.
This is a miss. I love Storm as a character, but I am not the target audience. I think nostalgia is the only reason to pick up this comic. Storm #1 is a 3 out of 5 for me, and I hope for a turnaround next issue now that the exposition section is completed.
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Storm #1
Storm #1 did not engage me, and I struggled to connect to the content. If you read X-Men titles in the 80s, then this will be enjoyable for you.