BOOM! Studios has announced a new installment in the popular mecha series, MECH CADETS, by co-creators Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa. The announcement comes before the debut of the Netflix animated series based on the series.
Stanford Yu, Olivia Park, Maya Sanchez, and Frank Olivetti are back in action a year after saving the world from the threat of a Sharg invasion. But how will the Sky Corps Central Command and the cadets themselves handle the fact that Mech Cadet Olivia Park, the teenaged pilot of the Suprarobo Hero Force 2, has become the most powerful person on the planet? Meanwhile, the threat of the Sharg takes on a whole new dimension with a shocking revelation that threatens everything our heroes know about their robos and themselves!
MECH CADETS #1, with covers by Miyazawa and Ian Herring, and variant covers by Sonny Liew and Junggeun Yoon, is set for release in comic shops on August 9, 2023.