We’re taking in the Atlantic breeze with this week’s “So You Want To Read Comics”. “So You Want To Read Comics”. This is our weekly feature where we take a look at a single topic or genre, then give you two comic book recommendations, perfect for new readers, based on that topic or genre. This week we’re taking a look at comics on the East Coast.
The East Coast of the United States has a unique distinction of being the entry point of European colonization in North America, but also in later years the entry point for many people from all over the world, which has helped shape the image of the US being a country of immigrants. This has led the area to carry the characteristics of maintaining many looks and connections to the early days of the US when diversity wasn’t much of a concern, while also containing some of the most diverse cities and communities in the country today, with no indication of that changing. In pop culture, The East Coast needs very little in terms of explanation. Cities like New York City provided the backdrop of a large majority of the most memorable sitcoms of the 90s. The birth of Hip Hop can be traced back to this side of the country, while cities like Philadelphia and Richmond housed strong scenes in Soul and Punk respectably. Oh, and in case you were wondering about comic books set on the East Coast, well just take a look at the simply staggering amount of Marvel characters that call it home.
So here are a couple of comic books set on the East Coast, that are perfect for new readers.
Writer: Sophia Warren
Artist: Sophia Warren
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
It should come as no surprise that the area with the highest population density of the country, not to mention the country’s capital , has some polarizing political scenes. Radical: My Year With A Socialist Senator is a memoir from Sophia Warren who was embedded with then recently elected Julia Salazar. Julia is a democratic socialist who’s district covers a large swath of Brooklyn and during her first year she comes face to face with all sorts of people from all sorts of walks of life, with all sorts of political ideals. The graphic novel explores not only the tension between envisioning a better future and turning it into a reality, but also the struggle to move forward while there are so many historical roots to navigate. It’s a slightly longer read for a graphic novel, but it stays captivating throughout. In fact, it’s actually pretty impressive how Sophia is able to take what would normally be a mundane act, like setting up an office, and makes it interesting and essential to the story.
Writer: Rodney Barnes
Artist: Jason Shawn Alexander
Publisher: Image Comics
There’s very few cities that can claim to be as influential in the early days of the US and the rise of the East Coast’s prominence therein, as Philadelphia. In this comic series an out of town cop has come to the city to bury his father, but during his visit he uncovers a conspiracy involving the nation’s forefathers and vampires. On its surface this series is simply about vampires in Philadelphia, which is lovingly recreated here. But, as layers begin to be peeled back a deeply metaphoric side to this title emerges. Underneath the blood and violence is a story that speaks to the fact that much of the history that the East Coast was setting for, is dark and has lingering effects on the modern day. As Jimmy fights back against the corruption and bloodsuckers, both vampires and politics, there’s a sense of resilience on display here that has become, for better or worse, a characteristic that the East Coast is often attributed with.
What are some of your favorite East Coast centered comic books? What did you think of these suggestions? Let us know in the comments section below.
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