Storm is still alive! Sinister took over the world 100 years ago, and Storm leads a team of mutants as a bastion of freedom in the galaxy. Find her next move in Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #2 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Andrea Di Vito
Colorist: Jim Charalampidis and Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 22nd, 2023
Previously in Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants: The Sinister Era created a deadly world for the Marvel Universe when Sinister implanted his DNA into the Quiet Council. Destiny predicted this outcome but ultimately let it happen because it was a world where her wife, Mystique, was still alive. Additionally, both Mother Righteous and Orbis Stellaris have been revealed as alternate variants of Mister Sinister. Orbis Stellaris currently uses the World Farm as its base of operation. Now there are only pockets of places still free from the Quiet Council’s control, including Storm’s Brotherhood of Mutants.
Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #2 starts with a dejected Destiny approaching Storm’s base. Destiny reveals that Mystique died fighting and that she is ready to come out of the bunker and help. Storm comes up with a deadly plan to defeat Orbis Stellaris. Storm leads X-Man, Ironfire, Ganna, Khora, and Noh-Varr against Orbis’ world farm. Khora amplifies Destiny’s powers so that she can predict the future. The team infiltrates past Orbis Stellaris’ shield and army with this insight. Under Storm’s command, Khora then kills Destiny before her power can create too many distinct futures.
Storm then prepares her last move. Powered by Khora, she unleashes her absolute power to open a black hole to teleport the World Farm to the far reaches of the universe to be used against the Sinister regime. However, this display of power was too much for her body, and she died from the effort.
The first thing I must compliment is these older X-Men character designs. Storm, in her old age, looks terrific on her page. We get the frail body through wrinkled facial features, but we still get that same fire that we would expect from the character. Same as the character design of Cable, renamed X-Man. Both are visually stimulating despite their age.
Beyond that, Storm’s death was well-earned in this comic. There is a 90-year time skip between issues 1 and 2. There is little information about what Storm has gone through during this time, but there is an implied history of battle and trust from her crew. I didn’t feel out of the loop despite not knowing anything about these events. Meanwhile, I didn’t like the direction of Destiny and Mystique. They have a massive part in this alternative reality, and I don’t believe they got the time and space they deserved to shine. Sins of Sinister does not have many comics for the event, so there must be some give and take about what to include within its pages. Despite that, I would have liked to see them participate more in the series. But death is always temporary. Maybe they will find themselves returning in future issues.
The Sins of Sinister event has been hit or miss for me. I like many of the ideas they are presenting, but the pacing sometimes feels rushed due to the limited number of issues. With that in mind, I’m thrilled with how Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #2 has come out. This issue is a solid 4 out of 5 stars for me. Great work by the creative team.
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Storm and the Brotherhood #2
Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #2 manages to expertly capture the devastation and history of the world without compromising the impact of the plot.