Mister Sinister has won, and the Sinister Regime is in charge. Not even Arakko was free from his assault. Check out who still stands against him in Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Paco Medina
Colorist: Jay David Ramos
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 8th, 2023
Previously in Sins of Sinister: Mister Sinister manipulated Moria MacTaggert’s mutant powers, giving him an unlimited reset in his plans. With this ability, he took control of the resurrection process and made the mutants of Krakoa, and eventually the world, loyal to him. It has been ten years since his takeover, and Storm and her mutants stand ready to fight to the death!
Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 starts with the defeat of Arakko and the odd Chimera creatures Mr. Sinister created. After the loss, Storm and a handful of mutants remain hidden and safe but are found by Mystique. Mystique tells of a secret Sinister base that could reset the timeline. Storm gathers Ironfire, Cable, Khora, Quick, and Wiz-Kid for another battle.
On Muir Island, Cable, Khora, Quick, and Mystique fight the chimera on the surface while the rest of the Brotherhood find their way to the base. Wiz-Kid teleports the forcefield away. However, Wiz-Kid reveals themself to be Mystique and stabs Storm before escaping. Ironfire is at Storm’s side, calling for medical attention. Elsewhere, Destiny reveals that she allowed this future because it is the future where her wife is alive. She is also working with Nathaniel Essex, or at least a version of him!
Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 is an exciting premise because it doesn’t have the rich history expected from the X-Men comics. In general, you can throw in heroes like Cable, and you have a general sense of who they are because of their long publication history. Arakko’s mutants don’t have that. I see this cast of characters I am semi-familiar with within an alternate reality that I know little about. For the first time in an X-Men comic in recent years, I was confused about what was going on. I didn’t understand the costume choices, the implied history, or the situation. I get the big picture of Destiny, Sinister, and the alternative future, but I am missing the nuance. Maybe there was some more context beyond the main Sin of Sinister comic that I am missing.
The art was excellent. I like the character designs despite my confusion about the choices. The chimeras seem like a fun thought experience, and Ironfire took the show visually. However, there are a lot of muted colors in the story. This allowed colorful characters to stand out, but Storm is in a grey and black outfit sometimes makes her lost in the panels.
I like the ideas of Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #1, but we need another issue or two to prep the larger storyline. I like these characters, and the conversation about Destiny trying to save her wife is a fantastic idea. But this didn’t land well with me. This comic is a 3 out of 5 stars, but I will continue the series and look forward to seeing some of these complex themes come to fruition.
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Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #1
On paper, Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 is an excellent idea, but there aren't enough pages to clear up some of the confusing sections.