Dark Horse Books teams up with renowned music video director Jay Martin to bring you a gripping new tale in Lost Boy! This graphic novel features a beautiful and heartwarming story of a young boy’s journey of survival and remaining kind in the face of adversity. Written, drawn, and colored by Jay Martin, the graphic novel also features lettering by Frank Cvetkovic.
After a deadly accident in the remote Wyoming wilderness, a young boy escapes alone. Stranded, freezing, and isolated, he struggles to stay alive as he attempts to find his way back to civilization. Along the way, through extreme tests of will, courage, and endurance, he discovers what it means to be tested, and learns the secret to survival isn’t always what you think.
“In Lost Boy,” says Jay Martin, “I wanted to create a different kind of survival story. Here, the main character discovers that what has always been perceived as his greatest weakness — his compassion and sensitivity — become his salvation. He learns that, sometimes heading in the opposite direction of where we think we need to go, is what gets us home.”
The Lost Boy trade paperback will be available in bookstores July 25, 2023 and in comic shops July 27, 2023. It is available for pre-order now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and at your local comic book shop and bookstore and will retail for $19.99.