Celebrating 50 years of hip-hop, Titan Comics announced the upcoming release of In Search of Gil Scott-Heron by Thomas Mauceri, with art from Sébastien Piquet.
Singer, poet and writer, and widely considered to be the ‘Godfather of Rap’, Gil Scott-Heron is a legend of the Afro-American music scene, responsible for groundbreaking hits such as “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” and “The Bottle”.Through his own personal journey, writer Thomas Maucéri discovers what drove Scott-Heron’s initial success, his ignoble downfall, and ultimately triumph return, alongside exploring the complex past and present of the America that created this singular visionary.
In Search Of Gil Scott-Heron follows Maucéri as he attempts to track down the elusive Scott-Heron for an interview that never seems to happen, and in the process examines the music, controversies, and the political and cultural legacy that he created.
In Search of Gil Scott-Heron arrives in comic book shops on July 26, 2023.