Calvin is back at Strange Academy! However, the kids have a lot of explaining to do about the damage to New Orleans. Find out their solution in Strange Academy: Finals #3 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Skottie Young
Artist: Humberto Ramos
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 28th, 2022
Previously in Strange Academy: The students of Strange Academy are split. Some remained at Strange Academy while Emily, Iric, and Dessy rebelled and are in the Dark Dimension. Additionally, Calvin was kidnapped by Gaslamp, which caused the students to blow up Gaslamp’s operation, which led to a massive explosion.
Strange Academy: Finals #3 starts with Doctor Voodoo convincing the mystics of New Orleans that the students did them a service even if they broke some laws. To repair the damage, the kids decide to hold a fundraiser. Most of the fundraiser goes off without a hitch. However, a mixed-up cookbook and spellbook caused a Great Old One to come out of the fryer. Calvin holds down one of the booths while the other kids help fight off the monster. He is approached by Emily, Iric, and Dessy. Emily tries to give Calvin back his jacket to control him to her side, but Calvin resists. Dessy then threatens him until Emily and Iric call her off. Emily then goes to the next part of her plan and meets with Dommaru directly.
For a while, I never viewed Emily as an evil character. She was just taking her belief too far. However, Strange Academy: Finals #3 seems to create a further divide between right and wrong. Emily’s treatment of Calvin made me uncomfortable despite this being a fictional story. And I dislike this choice. The comic title fares better when unsure what side you want to root for. I know there is a vast prophecy that kind of tells you the correct side, but I still want to remain in the grey area of morality. Regardless, I am glad Calvin is back at Strange Academy, and I think he will play a critical role in the upcoming conflict between Doyle and Emily.
The art was pretty good in this issue, and I am impressed with Humberto Ramos’ line work in the background. There is so much detail here that is accented by the colors. Things like Alvi’s tattoo or Voodoo’s spells provide vivid imagery for the comic. Great work by the creative team.
Very few comics keep me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know more. Strange Academy: Finals #3 is one of those comics. These are relatively new characters that are a blank slate for unique plotlines, and I want to know how they resolve. With that in mind, Strange Academy: Finals #3 is a solid 4 out of 5 stars.
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Strange Academy: Finals #3 remind us of the emotional power of teenagers with superpowers intelligently and incredibly.