The Legionnaires prepare for a new battle against a new virus! Find out if Nightcrawler, Legion, and their team can figure out this mystery in Legion of X #7 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Netho Diaz and Sean Parsons
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Sarah Brunstad
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 9th, 2022
Previously in Legion of X: Nightcrawler has developed the philosophy of The Spark with Legion and created the Legionnaires. Legion then created a space in his mind called the Altar that is safe for any mutant. After finding a missing Arakkii God and bringing justice to a skinjacker, they must deal with the new issue involving Mother Righteous, who has given Banshee the power of a Ghost Rider!
Legion of X #7 starts with a new development. Nightcrawler has horns! He visits Sinister, who kills Nightcrawler, to get a body sample. Deciding that Sinister is no help, he relies on Doctor Nemesis to figure out what is happening. Meanwhile, Legion is approached by Cypher and Warlock and warned of a semi-autonomous viral mechanism that is in his mind space. Legion then puts up necessary traps in his mind to try and protect himself from this technological threat.
Meanwhile, Nightcrawler, Pixie, and Doctor Nemesis look for another variation of this virus and meet Angel and the Black Knight. Angel is also affected and has turned into a blue monster!
There are two storylines in Legion of X. First is this new techanachy thing, and the next is Mother Righteous and Banshee. Banshee now calls himself Ignis Vox and has such a vivid character design. Mother Righteous is a unique character with unknown motives. For me, this is the more exciting storyline I want to fully explore and has been set up in the previous arc. I don’t have much engagement in the Nightcrawler/Angel mutation, even if it brings in my favorite underrated character, the Black Knight. Regardless, this comic has found its stride with its philosophical tone and unique unity held together by a philosophy. This is an excellent series with outstanding art designs of characters like Ignis Vox and Angel.
I desperately want to know more about what is going to happen. Legion of X #7 has interesting concepts that are right up my alley. The creative team has presented complex ideas, applied them to a new mutant nation, and still created fascinating characters. Legion of X #7 is 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Legion of X #7 presents a riveting new story arc that continues the remarkable story seeds from the previous volume.