Pull out the laserdiscs and the old VHS tapes as we take a look at weird movies on this week’s Top Five.
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1 Comment
Oh man, i haaaaaated Donnie Darko, as someone who would’ve been in the prime demo for that kind of movie when it was first released (i was 19 in 2001). I just could not get behind how supremely pouty and unlikeable Jake Gyllenhaal was, and to this day tend to avoid movies with him in it (even Spider Man)
Sorry To Bother You was a huge (pleasant) surprise though, did not see the swerve coming at all. Loved Fantastic Planet as well, kind of a bittersweet one for me, as it was one of the last movies i watched with my ex before we broke up.
There’s a certain line where “weird films” cross over into “interesting a/v art installation”, and Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain is one of those films that put the pedal to the metal and blazes across that line going 200mph. Visually striking, full of sometimes incomprehensible allegory for rejecting organized religion, some weird problematic moments because it’s a hippie acid trip movie from the early 70s, it’s got everything, really.
Another one similar to the Holy Mountain is Beyond The Black Rainbow from 2010, another visually amazing film with the barest bar napkin scribbled outline of a plot, but man that 80s synth score and cinematography are astounding. Again, a great art installation, probably not successful as a coherent narrative.
Benson and Moorhead have finally broken into the mainstream with Moon Knight, but their previous films are all a trip. They all deal with existential horror, recursive time travel, and that supremely creepy feeling of being tipped off to something about 5 seconds before it happens. Double feature Resolution and The Endless, and jump up outta your seat and do the Leo Dicaprio snap and whistle when “it” happens.
In a similar horror vein, The Wailing, from Korea, was maybe one of the twistiest films I’ve watched in awhile. The less you know going in, the better the ride will be, but i will say it’s a very weird, but still watchable mashup of slice of life police procedural and that “is it supernatural, or is there a rational explanation for all of this?” style of horror film. It pulls you further and further in until you realize you’re firmly planted in horror territory.
Aside from those, i have a lot of enjoyably bad “weird movies” mostly in the vein of your Surf N*zis Must Die. Miami Connection, Samurai Cop, Inframan, Space Warriors 2000, a lot of dudes in colorful suits jumping, screaming, overacting, and getting blown up.