Image Comics has announced its historical horror series, Two Moon, will kick off a new story arc beginning in October from writer John Arcudi and artist Valerio Giangiordano.
“The so-called ‘Indian Wars’ devastated the Indigenous Peoples of the American Plains, so this had to be a part of Two Moons’s story: the aftermath of those wars. How do the Plains People endure? What is their path forward after all this? That’s where this arc takes us,” said Arcudi in a press release from Image Comics.
After years apart, Frances Shaw (now a medical doctor) and Virgil Two Moons (now a Pawnee shaman) are once again drawn to each other on the eve of an impending crisis in Two Moons #6.
Giangiordano added, “This new story arc allows me to discover and study more and more of the fascinating culture of Native Americans that I did not know. For me it is a fantastic experience to bring this ‘world’ to life.”
Two Moons #6 is scheduled to arrive on October 27, 2021.