Today was my kid’s last day as a high school junior, which reminded me that they’ll be a senior soon and really freaking me out about college. I calmed down by remembering my school days, where that last day usually involved gathering all of us in the gym for a viewing of comedy films, including The Three Stooges and that one where Laurel and Hardy try to move the piano. That’s actually where the beginning of my appreciation for those legendary (but before my time) acts comes from, but i makes me wonder why we couldn’t watch, say, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ or Tod Browning’s ‘Freaks., leading to today’s cinematic graduation query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would have chosen ‘The Black Hole’, but it literally came out new when I was in fifth grade, asking: What movie would you like to see on your last day of school?
Something whacky fun and dumb, to be sure. You need that release at the end of the year. Today, that feels like Raising Arizona.
The Lost Boys. That movie has always signaled the unofficial beginning of summer for me for some reason. The beach/boardwalk arcade/vacation town vibe, the cheesy teen romance, the music, the “team of kids on a scary, but not insurmountable adventure” thing….it’s everything you wish your summer was.
Something light and wacky. Maybe Blues Brothers.
I guess “Blazing Saddles” is out of the question.