Everybody knows about green Kryptonite, the substance that can sap the power from Kryptonian cells, but did you know about the other varieties? Red K causes strange transformations, while Gold takes away a Kryptonians powers forever. Blue effects only Bizarros, while white targets ALL planet life. Platinum empowers humans with permanent Kryptonian powers, while black is only seen in the world of ‘Smallville’, acting much like red. Silver and yellow Kryptonite don’t actually exist, at least in the original continuity, while pink K was used for an offensive gay joke, leading to today’s radioactive query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds Faithful Spoilerites that there’s even a purple spotted Kryptonite, which makes Kryptonian canines chase their own tails, asking: Which variety of Kryptonite is the most interesting?
Pink kryptonite because it shows how ignorant people were / are in their understanding of gender. Yay, humans!
pink kryptonite, with the power to expose true human nature!
i’m not the biggest Superman fan, but i know black kryptonite was also in All-Star Superman, where it basically turned Supes into Bizarro.
Hahaha! Black kryptonite Maybe this is really about the lack of imagination when it comes to colors.
The kind of K with a tar content that makes Supes a mean drunk.
A deep cut. Respect.