Marvel Comics is celebrating the 50th anniversary of Man-Thing with a new series. The events of Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing spin-out into the pages of everyone’s favorite wall-crawler in Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1.
Written by Steve Orlando with art by Albert Foche, Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 kicks off in April 2021.
Man-Thing’s supernatural abilities have been pirated thanks to the new Marvel villain, Harrower, a zealot intent on clearing humanity off the board so a new species can get a shot at the top. The world burns and fear is the accelerant! Meanwhile, Spider-Man races across New York desperate to avert disaster and find the one man that just might be able to get through to Man-Thing…his former colleague Curt Connors, A.K.A. The Lizard! But deep within the Man-Thing’s psyche, it’s Spider-Man that discovers something he never expected: a devilish secret, and a doctor seeking redemption.
“SPIDER-MAN: CURSE OF THE MAN-THING picks up the second, explosive chapter of our anniversary celebration as cities across the world fall prey to Man-Thing’s fire, and the best hope for stopping the blaze rests with not just Spider-Man, but one of this oldest foes: the Lizard,” Orlando said in a press release from Marvel Comics. “What a blast to watch Man-Thing take Manhattan, and to see both Peter Parker and Miles Morales step up to the plate to defend their city against fear!”
Man-Thing first appeared in 1971’s Savage Tales #1.