This week, DC Comics is releasing even more installments of Harley Quinn: Black + White + Red. Take the jump for a rundown and a sneak peek.
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Harley Quinn Black + White + Red #15
“Happy Thanksquinning”
Thanksgiving at Arkham Asylum is nothing to be thankful for – but a massive riot and breakout? As far as Harley is concerned, THAT’S the reason for the season!
Story by Sam Humphries, Stephen Byrne and Troy Peteri
Tuesday, 12/22/20:
Harley Quinn Black + White + Red #16
“’Twas The Night Before Quinn-mas”
Harley thought she was doing a good deed by busting up the ring of crooks that stole all of Coney Island’s Christmas presents – but when her Gang gets a little overzealous and the gifts all wind up roasting in an open fire, the task of replacing every single one lands in her distinctly un-Santa-like lap!
Story by Frank Tieri, Tom Fowler, Brian Reber and Dave Sharpe
Wednesday, 12/23/20:
Harley Quinn Black + White + Red #17
“The Morning After”
Harley is absolutely determined to give Boxing Day the over-the-top celebration it deserves, and small considerations like “knowing what Boxing Day is” aren’t going to get in her way. But when a low-down crook steals an entire orphanage’s worth of presents one day after Christmas, you’d better believe she’s gonna get in THAT guy’s way…
Story by Lis Erickson, Tom Derenick and Josh Reed