During a downtime discussion at work, a co-worker asked me how many languages I actually speak. Though the answer is one, if you mean fluently, she believed that it was more because of my successful answers during daily viewings of quiz shows, my ability to pronounce certain specialized terms that pop up in our daily work, and her mistaken belief that the word ‘Frammistat’ was actually German. In reality, I have sufficient command of Spanish to get arrested, a tiny bit of semi-conversational Japanese, a very rudimentary chunk of Latin (thanks to a school-teacher grandmother) and know exactly one rude sentence in German. Of course, given that English absorbs words the way that I absorb quotes from ‘Real Genius,’ there are a great many foreign-sounding nonsense words and phrases that occasionally pop up in my speech patterns, as well as some entirely fabricated words and other such frammistattery, leading to today’s hoopy frood query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has that certain je ne sais quoi, asking: What is your favorite made-up, place-holder or nonsense word?
Aren’t all words made-up? Don’t worry though, I know what you mean. It’s copacetic.
It’s kind of related to your pic, ‘Krack-o-Doom’ , or something like that. It conveys that something really bad just happened.