As a fan of ‘How I Met Your Mother’, I know a little something about bad endings. If you expected that story to conclude in a way that honored the title of the show rather than the subtle premise of the previous episodes, you could easily deem it the worst ending of all. Of course, there are a lot of various ways to interpret “bad”, from the last issue of ‘A Death In The Family’ with a murdered Robin to the final moments of ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ where all seems lost to… whatever that last episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion was. It’s all in the eye of the beholder, leading to today’s climactic query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”)actually thinks that the Venture Brothers’ potential of NO ending might be worse than having it be a disaster, asking: What final chapter is the WORST ENDING of all?
Usually its all those stories that keep running way too long and go out not with a bang, but a muffled trombone. Escape From L.A. had pretty terrible ending too. Not that it was bad, it fits perfectly to the character and how things were in the end of it, but outcome was not pretty.
I’m pretty sure that the writers and producers and director of The Black Hole could not agree on what was happening at the end, so they compromised by putting all the ideas in a blender and splashing it onto the celluloid wall.