Yesterday, completely by accident, I found a copy of a long lost favorite book on Google Read… or at least, the first four chapters of a long-lost favorite book. And lo and behold, aside from a repeated typo, it still held up. Back in the late 80s, I was hugely into a niche horror trend that called itself “Splatterpunk”, especially the collaborative works of Skipp & Spector, whose narrative voice totally fit my sensibilities as a reader. There was also Joe Lansdale, who is still writing, and a number of others whose works are still in my bookcase somewhere, leading to today’s literary query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) may actually buy all of Skipp & Spector’s work on the Kindle now, since physical books are kind of a pain, asking: Which long lost favorite author do you miss the most?
I don’t think I got one. I’ve never read “all from this particular author” but rather have some individual favorites, usually not a part of any series or so. Its probably got something to do with the thing that’s been years since I’ve read anything but history or biography.
Bill Mantlo. Greatest writer ever? No, but solidly enjoyable and gone from writing way too soon.