Comic-Con@Home is here, and you can watch live! Take the jump to watch the Draw Along With Dark Horse panel.
Dark Horse Comics invites you to join Gabriel Bá (The Umbrella Academy), Naomi Franquiz (Tales From Harrow County: Death’s Choir), Tyler Cook (Colonel Weird: Cosmagog), and Mike Deodato (Berserker Unbound) as they discuss breaking into comics, visual storytelling, and the process of illustrating comics. They even draw each others iconic Dark Horse characters!
Draw Along With Dark Horse | Comic-Con@Home 2020
Dark Horse Comics invites you to join Gabriel Bá (The Umbrella Academy), Naomi Franquiz (Tales From Harrow County: Death’s Choir), Tyler Cook (Colonel Weird:…
The complete Comic-Con@Home schedule can be found here.