DC Comics has released this first look at Batman #95, which features the first part of the big Joker War event.
Batman #95 (“Joker War,” Part One)
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Jorge Jimenez
Colors by Tomeu Morey
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Main cover by Jorge Jimenez and Tomeu Morey
The Joker variant cover by Francesco Mattina
1:25 Cardstock variant cover (The Joker) by Jorge Jimenez and Tomeu Morey
Standard and Variant cover price $3.99 US
1:25 Cardstock variant cover price $4.99 US
It was always going to come to this. The Clown Prince of Crime and the Dark Knight Detective go head-to-head for the last time. The Joker has never wanted to win before, he’s never wanted his battle with Batman to end, but now his motivation has shifted. He has decided that one way or another, this will be the final chapter to their story. “Joker War” begins here!
Batman #95 arrives on July 21, 2020.