The age-old quandary in comics boils down to one thing: Who do you like best? Questions of who would win a fight are always subjective (as the Wolverine/Lobo precedent of 1993 will clearly show), while discussions of power-level are meaningless (Batman has fought super-strong guys before; Spider-Man has brainy skillz of his own) and any argument about superior costumes will inevitable end in tears. So, when it’s all said and done, there’s that certain je ne sais quoi that always make the decision. Trust your feelings, you know in your heart what is true, leading to today’s entirely subjective query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has an opinion, predicated on which one might be able to lift a city bus, but I don’t want to skew the results of the poll, asking: Spider-Man Or Batman?
Always Spider-Man. Batman gets too much press.
I feel exactly the same.
Batman. I am past the teenage angst of Spiderman.