Dark Horse Comics has announced the first series spinning out of the pages of The Umbrella Academy. You Look Like Death from Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, and I.N.J. Culbard arrives in June 2020.
Roughly ten years before the events of Apocalypse Suite, 18-year-old Séance gets himself kicked out of the Umbrella Academy. With his allowance discontinued by Hargreeves, he takes to a place where his ghoulish talents will be appreciated––Hollywood. After a magical high on a vampire-drug-lord’s stash, Klaus needs help, and doesn’t have his siblings there to save him.
In a press release from Dark Horse, Gerard Way said, “For a long time, I had wanted to tell the story of Klaus Hargreeves’ life after the Umbrella Academy disbanded and before the events of Apocalypse Suite. I imagined a pretty wild decade for Klaus– full of ups and downs, seedy places, supernatural excursions, and internal battles within himself. I am thrilled to finally be able to tell this story with my co-writer Shaun Simon, who sees the world of the UA as clearly as I do.”
You Look Like Death, a six issue mini-series, will launch on June 17, 2020.