What happens when you tattoo glyphs on your skin and then combine that with WWII German technology? Well you create powerful magic that could change warfare as we know it. Find out what happens in The Marked #3 by Image Comics!
Writer: David Hine and Brian Haberlin
Artist: Brian Haberlin
Colorist: Geirrod Van Dyke
Letterer: Francis Takenaga
Editor: Melanie Hackett
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 26th, 2019
Previously on The Marked: During World War II, Hitler gathered all sorts of magical objects that was given to the United States program called Stargate. These objects helped fuse magic with technology and allowed glyphs tattooed on the body to increase in power. Liza is one of the people who has tried to increase her power with technology. Members of the Marked are now trying to figure out how to handle Liza and this government organization that may reveal the secrets of their magic.
This issue follows Liza and her descent into becoming a power hungry villain. Over six weeks she studies old German films to expand on this sphere of power she possesses. Through this study, she is able to take away glyphs from Cassandra Benis and give them to soldier recruits. These recruits and Liza seem to be more willing to inflict harm on the test subjects they are working with and their personality seems to be changing. Meanwhile, a member of the Shangen visits The Marked townhouse who states that they must do something about the missing Cassandra.
Liza then takes Simon to visit Cassandra who gives Simon one of her tattoos. Getting a moment alone, Simon and Cassandra begin to escape Stargate, now renamed Shadowgate. Simon escapes the base but Cassandra looks for Liza to get some answers. Cassandra finds her in a sphere of power reminiscent to a device she saw in one of the WWII movies. Liza, who seems to have a piece of several WWII German scientists in her head, kills Cassandra.
Throughout this series, we have seen a compelling approach to a magic system and a way for bad people to abuse it. From my perspective, I have often seen magic being a corruptible force for a human. Take Dragon Age Series and the idea that magic can essentially turn you into a demon. Even The Force can bring you to the dark side. For this series, it was specifically magic combined with technology that changed the way magic worked. Implying that technology is the corrupting force and has quite a few implications on modern day tech use.
Liza is an incredible antagonist and the change in her characterization is well written and believable. The series didn’t sell me until we saw Liza becoming darker and darker as a character. I also enjoyed that the story sped forward six weeks quickly without spending the time on unneeded details. It was a strong intentional decision that worked well. I would also like to take a moment and say that the coloring of this novel was amazing. The way we shadow to hide certain features portrays the right mood for this book. My only gripe about the art is that sometimes we go into hyper realism terrain followed by a more traditional almost “cartoony” feel.
This book really intensifies the drama. The first issue set up a good foundation, the second issue was decent, but the third issue really hooked me in. I like the ideas here and I think there is a strong potential for a satisfying controtation from Shadowgate and The Marked. I am curious about the direct connection to Hitler and WWII and what theme they are trying to reference. I’m hoping future issue will provide more clarity on technology as a corruptile agent idea. 4.5 out of 5 stars for Marked #3 from me.
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Liza is an incredible antagonist and the change in her characterization is well written and believable. The series didn’t sell me until we saw Liza becoming darker and darker as a character.