Here at Major Spoilers, your humble MS-QOTD is often a fast-paced affair, and occasionally dips into what we call ‘topical references’, i.e. “whatever is on my mind at the time.” Right now, thanks to oversleeping and a weird schedule, I am seriously hungry, and reminded of Thor’s steak grilling during the not-so-long-ago Hickman run on ‘Avengers.’ If given my choice, I would eat a lasagna as big as my own head, and/or chocolate peanut butter pie, which leads us to today’s utterly famished query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) figures that Captain America makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich with an old-school steam iron but that She-Hulk is a gourmet chef, asking: What fictional chef do you think would deliver the food most to your liking?
Ed Begley, Jr., from that one M*A*S*H episode where he is a gourmet chef.
Or Frank DeFazio! That pizza looked good.
Probably Souma Yukihira from Food Wars. Best restaurant customer is Wakakozake.