ComiXology Originals has announced its lates creator-owned mini-series, The Black Ghost, from co-writers Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, and artist George Kambadais.
Lara Dominguez is a journalist chasing that one, big story. After a stint in the Middle East, the alcoholic reporter moves from her hometown of Miami to Creighton – a mid-Atlantic city that’s seen better days. She needs a huge, viral scoop that’ll send her into the journalistic stratosphere. Her target? Uncovering the identity of The Black Ghost – a masked vigilante trying to take down the wealthy oligarchs carving up the fading metropolis. But as she searches for the breakthrough story she desperately needs, Lara will have to navigate the corruption of her adopted city, the uncertainties of virtue, and her own personal demons.
“The Black Ghost is a grounded, emotional story about one woman’s quest to surpass her flaws and become the hero she’s always known she can be,” said Segura in a press release from comiXology. “George Kambadais’ art style drives the fast-paced story forward. His line work is so clean it almost seems like animation, highly contrasting the gritty atmosphere and evoking an unexpected vibe.”
“The Black Ghost is all about what happens when you’re given an amazing opportunity to do good, even if you’re not quite ready for it,” said Gallagher in the same press release. “This was an important mindset that Alex and I were both eager to explore through Lara. By setting her demons against a pulpy, noir backdrop – which George’s beautiful artwork is perfect for – we’re able to contrast her personal messiness with the larger, sleeker crime world that engulfs her.”
The Black Ghost #1 arrives on comiXology this week!