One of the major complaints about Disney’s cult classic/big ol’ box office flop ‘The Black Hole’ is that V.I.N.Cent and B.O.B., the all-purpose Swiss-army robits are nothing more than knockoffs of R2D2 created to cash in on ‘Star Wars.’ It’s a theory that has a lot of merit and a lot of evidence, but in the end the talents of Roddy McDowall and Slim Pickens turn the tide for me. Kenny Baker gets a lot out of his role, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not quoting Cicero in a posh British accent, leading to today’s automatonical query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) knows exactly how this one is going to go, but still asks in the spirit of good faith and optimism, asking: V.I.N.Cent Or R2D2?
R2 Units are the best.
Sure, as long as they don”t have a bad motivator!
As someone who saw the original Star Wars multiple times back in 1977 because it was the absolute bestest, I have grown to find it repulsive.
V.I.N.Cent and Roddy for the win!