Chainsaw Reindeer One-Shot
Writer(s): Brandon Rhiness
Artist Name(s): Carlos Trigo (pencils, inks) Przemyslaw Dedelis (colors) Nicholas O’Gorman (letters)
Cover Artist(s): Carlos Trigo
24 pgs./ M / FC
That’s right, the latest creator-owned release from Action Lab: Danger Zone, CHAINSAW REINDEER, by writer Brandon Rhiness (Misfits, The Boy With a Balloon For A Head) and artist Carlos Trigo (Crimson Society, 2000AD), features one of Santa’s reindeer on a murderous chainsaw rampage! And when killing at the North Pole isn’t enough to satisfy his blood lust, he starts a massacre around the world! This will make a wonderful mature readers Christmas gift for all you naughty boys and girls!
Chainsaw Reindeer arrives in stores on September 11, 2019.