These days, comics books are almost exclusively superhero or superhero-related action pieces, but that hasn’t always been the case. Screwball comedies were the life blood of the genre well into the sixties, while westerns dominated the early fifties for many publishers. Even the likes of Carl Barks’ funny animal/grand adventure books would be hard-pressed to find an audience these days, which is a shame. Of course, many of the most successful books of the last few years have folded in bits of other genres: ‘Saga’ uses tropes of science fiction, ‘Afterlife With Archie’ uses horror, ‘Sex Criminals’ an updated (and *very* graphic) helping of the tropes of romance comics, which leads us to today’s mashed-up query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) could stand with more romance in my comics, especially for the likes of Batwoman, Ms. Marvel and Benjamin Grimm, asking: What lost genre would you most like to see more of in modern comics stories?