Thanks to Jor-El, who fired more animals into space than the entire history of the USSR space program, Superman has quite a few super pet options from which to choose. There’s also Super Horse who is a man who was a horse who got turned into a man who got turned into a centaur…. No, wait. A centaur who got turned into a horse… Okay, he was a horse first? Or… a centaur? Anyway, Supergirl dated him briefly, and that’s pretty weird, leading to today’s housebroken query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would choose Proty and/or Proty II, save for the fact that he/it is clearly a sentient being rather than a pet, asking: Which super pet would you most like to have living in your home?
Beppo, The Super-Monkey, of course.
Super. Monkey. That’s why.
Probably Krypto. Horse is too big to fit in my place, monkey would attract too much attention and cat would probably just knock down all my things from shelves and I couldn’t do anything about it, because that thing’s scratch would be deadlier than sword slash.