There’s just something about the ebony mask of Darth Vader that instills a sense of dread. Maybe its the shiny insectoid eyes, maybe the helmet giving him that glowering pseudo-expression… Heck, it might be the terrible echoing of his breathing apparatus, sound like an asthmatic ghost that wants to murder you in your sleep, I dunno. What I do know is that his merciless killing spree at the end of ‘Rogue One’ is one of the more terrifying moments in any Star Wars flick, and even his death at the hands of his master is pretty impressive, leading to today’s Dark Lord of the Query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds Faithful Spoilerites that, while Disney may have deactivated the Expanded Universe canon, we embrace it, even stupid stuff like Lumpy on ‘Life Day’, asking: What’s the most terrifying Darth Vader moment in any of the Star Wars media?
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To me, it was hands down the one in Cloud City bridge. I was just the right age when I saw it on rental VHS.