For some reason, last night’s television viewing included THREE separate weddings and/or proposals, including Marshall and Lily’s nuptials and a rerun of Ruby and Sapphire getting hitched in ‘Steven Universe.’ It’s one of the things that tends to happen when you’re watchin’ reruns, but more than that, it’s an example of how parties in fiction are always better than in real life. When it comes to a fictional wedding, I’m always inclined to go to one that has a big fight (like The Flash and Iris’), a huge reveal at the altar (like Ted and Stella’s) or something unusual going on, leading to today’s matrimonial query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) still wishes we had actually seen Han Solo and Leia’s wedding, asking: To what fictional wedding do you most wish you had an invitation?
Wolverine & Mariko Yashida. You get all the X-Men plus amazing venue in Emperors palace and Meiji Temple or somewhere.
Lois Lane and Clark Kent. EVERYONE would be there. It would be EXTRA if everyone attended in their civilian identities… I’d spent the entire event trying to figure out who was who lol