Cosmo Kramer was (at least briefly) Master Of His Domain. Ralphie Parker didn’t say fudge. As for Ted Mosby and Marshall Eriksen, their youthful smoking indiscretions were Eating A Sandwich. When it comes to language, there is a tendency to avoid speaking of adult, unpleasant or downright filthy subject matter by using a euphemism, hiding unpleasantness behind Battlestar Galactica’s ‘frak,’ Farscape’s ‘frell’ or a good ol’ Legion ‘sprock,’ (which does raise the question of why our science fiction heroes are such potty-mouths.) I still laugh thinking of the episode of ‘Victorious’ where someone yelled the fake curse word “What the hairballs?”, leading to today’s Belgium query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has an endless supply of those due working near dozens of microphones every day, as any regular Top 5 and/or Critical Hit listener can tell you, asking: What’s YOUR favorite fake curse word for those times when you didn’t say “fudge?”
Rassin’ frassin’. As in varmints.
While I’ve a few I’ve used myself that still border on the censorable, my favorite stand-in comes from a friend of mine who said of the driver that just cut him off: “I love you with a deep and abiding Christian love.”
frak from BSG
“Bless your Heart”. It only works if your a southerner. It has many connotations, none of them nice.