On our various programs (but mostly on Top 5), I’ve spoken repeatedly about my occasional need to submerge myself in a sad book, movie or (mostly often) song, and wallow a bit in angst. It’s a habit that, admittedly, a lot of people don’t really get or share with me, but it’s as much fun as the terror of a Stephen King story, the exhilaration of playing my Spider-Man vidja game or that quiet superiority that comes from watching my wife’s reality TV. Recently, though, I doubled down on the solemnity again and watched all of ‘Lost In Translation’, a story of emotional entanglement, infinte sadness and ennui that is still making me sigh a day later. It was, in an odd way, both devastating and enjoyable, which leads us to today’s inconsolable query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) believes that art’s main job is to make you feel something, even if it’s something you don’t entirely recommend, asking: What pop culture do you enjoy in spite of the fact that it fills you with infinite sadness?
I don’t really do that much. Perhaps some pro wrestling involving a wrestler who has passed tragically and too soon.
Harold and Maude