Traveling from one place to another takes up a lot of time, and honestly, that time could be spent doing other things. Over the last year, I’ve aged three months just for travel alone. While time travel would allow us to skip that aging bit, we’re still going to age at a normal rate over time. Which brings us to the thought experiment of the week.
Would you rather age at a normal rate, but be able to time travel, or would you rather travel to any place in space, but never age at all?
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I would take immortality and space travel. Assuming of course that there is Faster Than Light Travel.
Based on the assumption that you mean instantaneous travel in space (teleportation), I would choose the option to get where I’m going without sitting through traffic over being able to travel to eras where I’d stick out for my 21s t Century ways and get myself killed for being a witch.
Leaving out the fact that travelling in time kind of implies having to move in space (otherwise the Earth’s going to move out from under you), I’d go for the time travel. Immortality’s never what it’s cracked up to be, and time travel solves most space travel issues anyway. You don’t need to sit in traffic – just time travel to the middle of the night, drive where you want to go, then time travel back again. Even international travel can be solved by travelling forward in time to get a flying car, fly it to the coast, then use continental drift to move another continent close enough to walk to it, walk over there, rinse and repeat.
While I don’t really like the idea of immortality, I’m even less interested in time travel. Also, I really dislike standing in line and traveling usually implies a lot of that, so gimme teletransportation please!