For a while in college, I was very enamored with Jason Dean, the jerkface teenage villain of ‘Heathers’, a film which all the cool kids were totally into in 1990. For the twenty-something version of your humble MS-QOTD, though, he was a snarky anti-hero and quasi-role model whose trench coat and Jack Nicholson sneer were the epitome of cool. For the forty-something version, however, he’s truly embarrassing, like high school poetry and my collection of Hawaiian shirts, leading to today’s once upon a query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is also not proud of how much twelve-year-old me gushed over that cool Wolverine, but that’s a different kind of embarrassment, asking: Which fictional character is the hero you regret idolizing the most?
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Anything Star Wars. My disappointment at RotJ has only dwindled into actual dislike as the relentless movies and comics and TV shows have propagated. Ick.