This week’s Female Furies #1 brings Kirby’s Fourth World strikeforce back to the forefront of the DCU (and, not coincidentally touches on some very topical elements in their revised story.) Everybody’s fave-rave Fury is Barda, Mister Miracle’s beautiful six-foot-two inch blushing bride, who will shatter every bone in your body should the need strike, but all of Kirby’s Apokaliptic women are impressive as heck. Of course, your humble MS-QOTD is known for making you play favorites, leading to today’s furious query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) knows that the answer is Stompa, because it’s the most fun to say, asking: Which of the Female Furies, other than Big Barda, is the best of them all?
Stompa, by name alone.
Well, yeah, but the others are named Mad Harriet, Lashina, Bernadeth, and Big Barda. They also have a girl named Gilotina and a roller-skater called Speed Queen. It’s rife with name awesomeness…
Lashina, aka Duchess of the Suicide Squad.
Oh, man… I *loved* Duchess in those stories, especially when Ostrander and Gale started getting super-weird.