This week has involved some cleaning and rearranging that allowed me to go through my collection of DVD’s, as well as the archaic VHS tapes beneath them and even a collection of cassettes dating back to the mid-1980s. Thinking about those long-gone days and wondering if I even have a cassette player any more got me thinking about years gone by and considering what age I might want to be again. You couldn’t pay me to be sixteen again, but twenty-one had some nice moments, and I didn’t mind being thirty-four. What would be the perfect age, though, depends on what constitutes perfection in your mind, leading to today’s Molly Ringwaldian query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) also enjoying being 20, or so I’m told, asking: If you could choose to be any age, what would you choose as the PERFECT age?
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Hmm, about 32.