The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.
Writer: Mark Waid, Ian Flynn
Artist: Various
Publisher: Archie Comics
Cover Price: $1.00
SOLICITATION: Follow along as Archie reflects back on the past several years of storylines including: the much-talked about #LipstickIncident, the arrival of the Lodge family, the Riverdale Civil War, the machinations of the Blossom Twins, the near-tragedy of “Over the Edge” and more! This special issue sets the stage for next month’s landmark 700th issue of ARCHIE! Based on stories by Mark Waid and Ian Flynn and featuring art by an assortment of ARCHIE talents.
MATTHEW: Archie has learned the Marvel trick of just putting whatever number they feel like on the cover, but I’m actually pretty excited about Archie’s big Seven-Oh-Oh.
Writer: Eric M. Esquivel
Artist: Ramon Villalobos
Publisher: DC Comics (Vertigo)
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: After barely surviving a supernatural showdown at Jack in the Box, the kids regroup over nachos to debate what to do when your town is overrun by monsters of myth. Frank’s freaked and wants to go to the cops! Julietta can’t because her family’s undocumented. Aimi wants to know the secrets of the underworld! And Quinteh might just be hungry. Meanwhile, El Chupacabra crosses the border between worlds, bringing with him an unspeakably terrifying force to Devil’s Fork.
INGRID: I can’t decide what I like more about this book – the strong real-world situations the kids are in juxtaposed against the supernatural, or the amazing characterizations of the supernatural world and denizens.
Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Stefano Caselli
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Celebrate 25 issues of Champions with the start of a brand-new story and a perfect jumping-on point! Swords and sorcery beckon as our heroes travel to Weirdworld, a place where dreams can come true, but nightmares are never far away! A quest begins and sacrifices will be made…
MATTHEW: I love this team. I just want more Red Locust.
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Mike Hawthorne
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
• Doc Ock has set up shop as San Francisco’s protector, but you won’t believe his methods.
• Some of Otto Octavius’s new super hero strategies may make Spider-Man regret letting him free, but the good doctor swears that he’s the SUPERIOR OCTOPUS!
• Chistos Gage (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Mike Hawthorne (Deadpool) will change the way you look at super hero comics.
MATTHEW: I don’t know about you guys, but I’m looking forward to more Superior Otto, especially if they play this one as a redemption story.
Writer: Ram V
Artist: Sumit Kumar
Publisher: Vault Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Two centuries after the first European ship sailed to the Malabar Coast and made landfall at Calicut, The East India Company seeks to secure its future along the lucrative Silk Route, in the year 1766. An old evil now sails aboard a company ship, hoping to make a home in this new found land. But he will soon find that the ground along the Indus is an ancient one with daemons and legends far older than himself. Along These Savage Shores, where the days are scorched and the nights are full of teeth.
INGRID: A supernatural book set in the 18th century, in India, a very fascinating setting indeed, intrigues me. I think there is a lot of potential here, not only for interesting art, but also daemons and legends that I am not familiar with.
Writer: Gerard Way
Artist: Gabriel Ba
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba reunite!
Faced with an increasing number of lunatics with superpowers eager to face off with his own wunderkind brood, Sir Reginald Hargreeves developed the ultimate solution.
Now, just a few years after Hargreeves’s death, his Umbrella Academy is scattered. Number Five is a hired gun, Kraken is stalking big game, Rumor is dealing with the wreckage of her marriage, a rotund Spaceboy runs around the streets of Tokyo, Vanya continues her physical therapy after being shot in the head–and no one wants to even mention Seance until issue #2.
With a Netflix series soon to debut, the award-winning and best-selling superhero series returns, stranger than ever.
And their past is coming back to hunt them.
STEPHEN: Ashley Victoria Robinson and I reviewed this issue last month on the Finally Friday live stream. It picks up after the events of the last series… remember that one? This is very much a “let’s put the team back together” story, but the whole spooky nature of the Hotel Oblivion draws me into this book.
Writer: James T. Tynion IV
Artist: Jesus Merino
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
SOLICITATION: Just in time for Halloween, it’s “The Witching Hour,” a five-part weekly event that will rewrite the future of DC’s magical heroes!
Hecate, the witch-goddess of magic, always knew a day would come when the monsters she stole her magic from would return. Now she must activate the Witchmarked, humans within whom she secreted vast stores of power. And the most powerful of the Witchmarked? Wonder Woman!
STEPHEN: Even though the cover price is way overpriced, I still want to read tales set in the magic corner of the DCU. Can’t wait to see what James T Tynion IV and Jesus Merino are whipping up for this seasonal tale.
ROBOT OVERLORD: Today is the day! Today you get to discover that one comic that you love! Enjoy your quest!
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