The groovy robot stunt motorcyclist without a cause, Cyko KO, has been assigned to guard injured actor Steve MacKinaw as he lays in a coma in the Startopia Hospital. What will Cyko KO and his friends do when arch-baddie Chen sends his own robot out to kill MacKinaw? CYKO KO #2, from Alterna Comics, is in shops on October 17th!
Writer & Artist: Rob Feldman
Breakdowns: Brian Fraim, Brendon Fraim
Backgrounds: Toon360
Letterer & Editors: Peter Simeti
Cover: Rob Feldman
Publisher: Alterna Comics
Release Date:
Cover Price: $1.50
Previously in CYKO KO: Cyko KO was challenged by his rival Cuda Cano to a surf off, and had to contend with a giant remote control squid. Beach-Blanket-Bingo inspired antics ensued, and Cyko KO proved, sorta, why he is SuperEarth’s greatest hero!
After martial arts-stuntman-actor Steve MacKinaw has an accident when performing his latest stunt, Chen, the head of Chenstar, is determined to get his revenge on the injured acting thespian. To that end he sends out his own robot who is a nearly identical duplicate of the beloved Cyko KO, to do MacKinaw bodily harm. The major difference? This robot has an evil mustache! MUW-HA-HA-HA!
Oblivious to the danger headed his way, Cyko KO and his friend, the lovely Peachy, arrive at the Startopia Hospital to stand guard over the comatose MacKinaw. Cyko KO is a big fan of his ultra-violent, martial arts filled movies and gets more than a little start struck as he enters the actor’s room. Meanwhile, out by the loading dock, friend-fatale JP Hotspot arrives to greeted the undercover killer as he leaves the back of a Chenstar van. Why look, Cyko has grown a macho mustache. Thumbs up!
Meanwhile, the real Cyko KO and Peachy are standing vigil over the fallen star, when Cyko decides to go get some ice cream. Moments after he leaves, JP Hotspot arrive with the murderous Cy-Clone in tow. But as the female cast members exit to retrieve a jerky basket to surprise Steve with, Cy-Clone goes into action. With a murderous orange glow in his eyes and a detachable hand hiding his tool of assassination, he advances on the still comatose form of Steve MacKinaw.
Oh, but look, here comes Cyko KO! Surely this won’t turn into a comedic fight were his friends have to deduce his true identity from that of the assassin-bot? *wink*wink*
The best way to describe Cyko KO (pronounced Psycho K O) is a homage to the classic cartoons of the 60’s and 70’s with a little modern-day sarcasm thrown in. Creator/Writer/Artist Rob Feldman has a clear love for the 60’s cartoon aesthetic. The characters are outrageous enough to have jumped off the picture tube of an old Zenith television while proclaiming all the fun you can have with lawn darts. It is a particular feel, and it makes for fun reading. In many ways, it reminded me of the old Hanna- Barbera super-hero efforts from back when, before people worried as much about being iconic and when just plain fun was enough. You do not need to know Cyko KO’s back-story or the full family tree of everyone in the room as he battles his evil doppelganger, you get what you need to have fun and that’s all you really need. It is very suitable for kids of all ages, and I can bet you would be hard up top find one who would not enjoy it.
That said it is not without faults. The artwork could be too simple for some adults. While it is consistent and has a good sense of continuity from panel to panel, it is elementary to a level that makes you dismiss it easily. But, it is comparable, and in many cases superior, to anything you can find on certain late-night cartoons aimed for adults. I could easily see this series being picked up by Cartoon Network or Comedy Central and being a hit among the Venture Brothers crowd.
I enjoyed this second issue of CYKO KO. It really hit my nostalgia button, and made me end up watching some old Space Ghost and Birdman cartoons. While Cyko KO has that same vibe, it injects a level of humor that younger readers can appreciate. For my part, my kids were looking over my shoulder as I read it, and they giggled at several pages, and we went to the website and downloaded some coloring pages for my seven year old. Besides being a good, entertaining book, it might even be that entry comic for some young children in your life.
The only downside is that that art is, at time, a little too simple. But the looks and style of the characters is good, and the character designs especially draw
CYKO KO #2 is one of those little books that might escape your pull list, don’t let it. It’s fun and age-friendly, and needs to be on your pull list.