His homeworld and species are unknown, but what is known is that he looks remarkably like my uncle. His prehensile mustache is powerful enough to lift a truck, even serving to allow him to fly, helicopter-style, when rotated fast enough. Combined with his mole-like tunneling skills, he is a slightly silly-looking triple-threat, even taking down Big Bad Vilgax once (with a bit of help.)
Much like Mighty Man’s assistant, Yukk, Toepick’s hideous visage is so terrible as to strike fear in even the strongest hearts. In fact, prolonged exposure can lead one to become sick or even go mad! Admittedly, though powerful, it’s kind of a niche ability and seldom used. Still, when you can strike fear into the heart of a zombie clown who LITERALLY feeds on fear, you’re no pushover, no matter how topheavy that helmet seems…
6) NRG
Looking for all the world like an ambulatory pot-bellied stove, he is actually a highly radioactive example of the Prypiatosian-B species, inside a heavy containment suit. On those rare occasions when he is out of his armored containment, the frightening scope of his energy-manipulation becomes clear, making me wonder if the lesser use of this form is out of fear of his sheer power.
One of the smaller transformations in the Omnitrix, he has a wicked sense of humor and a superhuman ability to wreck any machinery. (He can also build and repair at a similar superhuman rate, but that’s not as much fun.)
I’m almost certain that a member of his race once menaced Bugs Bunny.
Insectoid in appearance, with the ability to shoot balls of pure plasma that can also explode, he has more wins under his non-existent belt than some on this list. Add in a spider-like ability to crawl on walls and unusual strength for his size, and you’ve got a weird-looking winner on your hands.
I know at least one of my MSP cohosts would rather be a cool bug than a four-armed smashin’ alien any day…
He’s a dog with no tail, eyes or nose! How does he smell?
TERRIBLE! (Statler and Waldorf laugh)
An example of the DNA of a Cerebrocrustacean from Encephalonus IV (so much fun with Latin in Ben 10!), his shell hides a massive brain worthy of Brainiac 5. His terrifying pincers can also generate and manipulate electricity, as well as for standard crabby crushing-stuff purposes. Seriously, if I could have a super-brain and electrokinesis, that would be one of my standard transformations…
Bearing an odd resemblance to Randall from ‘Monsters, Inc.’ (or perhaps they both look like the same real-world lizard?), he is an example of Merlinisapien DNA. His RGB eyes are cool, but don’t seem to give him any extra abilities, his primary power is camouflage, with a side order of superhuman strength, though he can still be tracked by scent or given away by his shadow…
Feel free to follow along @MightyKingCobra for more Ten Things madness on Twitter or check out the full Twitter archive here! As with any set of like items, these aren’t meant to be hard and fast or absolutely complete, if only because nearly all of Ben’s transformations are weirdos of one stripe or another…
Either way, the comments section is Below for just such an emergency, but, as always: Please, no wagering!
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