Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, the animated movie based on the Bryan Augustyn and Mike Mignola one-shot from 1989, arrives in January, and we have a new clip from the film for you to check out.
Batman: Gotham By Gaslight | “Ivy MeetsThe Ripper” | Warner Bros. Entertainment
This is the first official clip from “Batman: Gotham By Gaslight,” in which Pamela, The Plant Lady meets Jack the Ripper in the dark alleys of turn-of-the-ce…
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight arrives on digital on January 23, 2018 and on Ultra HD Blu-Ray Combo Pack on February 6, 2018.
Legit question – does anyone still buy their movies on DVD?
1 Comment
Yes. I still buy DVD’s. When they stop making them is when I’ll stop buying.