Gregory Suicide OGN
Story: Eric Grissom
Art: Will Perkins
Colors: Will Perkins painted grayscale, Eric Grissom colorized the grays
Letters & Book Design: Eric Grissom
Cover Artwork: Will Perkins
Cover Design: Eric and Casey Grissom
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
An obsolete A.I. program known as Gregory wakes in an unfamiliar world and is haunted by the memories of his past lives, each ending in death by his own hand. On the path to discovering the truth about himself, Gregory slips into the trenches of two opposing forces: the deadly A.I. who replaced him and a group of humans who want to destroy him and all his kind. In the end, Gregory must choose a side in the coming revolution and the key to everything may lie in the strange visions he has between life and death.
Gregory Suicide OGN arrives at your local comic shop on November 22nd, and at book stores nationwide on December 5, 2017.