Action Lab Entertainment sent Major Spoilers the cover images and solicitation information for its Danger Zone imprint titles arriving in December 2017.
Writer(s): Brockton McKinney, Corey Kalman
Artist Name(s): Daniel Arruda Massa
Cover Artist(s): Daniel Arruda Massa
A brand new storyline! The President himself has a very special mission for Sam and Cynthina: karate-fight some robo-punks and restore justice to a recently crime-choked city. The explosive second volume of the smash hit Amerikarate series is collected here, and the kicks hit as hard as the shocking revelations! Who is the mysterious villain from Sam’s past? What does that have to do with the citywide crime wave? Can you have sex in a wheelchair? Find out all that and more in AmeriKarate: U.S. A.c.t.i.o.n. Force!
128 pgs./ M / FC $14.99
Writer(s): Jason Martin, with Dan Mendoza and Bryan Seaton
Artist Name(s): Winston Young
Cover A – Marco Maccagni Main Cover (unlimited)
Cover B – Marco Maccagni Risqué variant (limited to 2500)
Cover C – Dan Mendoza variant (limited to 2000)
Cover D – Dan Mendoza risqué (limited to 2500)
Cover E – Winston Young variant (limited to 2000)
Cover F – Winston Young risqué (limited to 2500)
It’s do or die, kill or be killed, slice and dice, go all out, take no prisoners, $#!* hit the fan time for our girls. Can they handle it? Can you handle it?! This is the climax of our first major Danger Zone crossover. It’s gonna be messy!!
Features 3 covers by 3 different artists from the individual series, each with a risqué variant!
32 pgs./ M / FC $4.99
Writer(s): Dan Mendoza & Bryan Seaton
Artist Name(s): Danielle Gransaul
Cover A – Dan Mendoza (unlimited)
Cover B – Dan Mendoza Tattered & Torn variant cover (limited to 2000)
Cover C – Danielle Gransaull Pin-up variant cover (limited to 1500)
Cover D – Danielle Gransaull Pin-up Tattered & Torn variant cover (limited to 2000)
Cover E – Chad Cicconi Pin-up variant cover (limited to 1500)
Cover F – Chad Cicconi Pin-up Tattered & Torn variant cover (limited to 2000)
Coming out of the witch’s forest with new looks, Lila and Ivan are confronted by a demon.
Retailer exclusive coves are available, please contact
32 pgs./ M / FC $4.99
Writer(s): Jeff Dyer and Mark McKeon
Artist Name(s): David Brame (Pencils), Joaquin Pereyra (Colors)
Cover Artist(s): David Brame
“In the Grip of Malady”
Health care for super villains is proving to be the deadliest form of medical practice. Ethan Sharp and his team of blackmailed doctors face the wrath of Malady as allegiances are tested and secrets are revealed.
96 pgs./ T+ / FC $11.99
Writer(s): Caesar Voghan and Eric Granger
Artist Name(s): Casey Bailey (Artwork), William Bohm (Letters)
Cover Artist(s): Justin Case (Covers A-B), Casey Bailey (Cover C)
Klaudette, the one-eyed geisha, stages her latest show: the raping and killing of Father Elano. With the help of his feral Cannies, King Richie’s renegade warriors crash her party and throw her to the sharks. Later, Richie and Elano strike a deal: to aid the Jesuit in his pursuit of J-Clone, Richie will facilitate Elano’s entrance into Sir Gottfrey’s stronghold in exchange for a free pass off the island.
32 pgs./ M / FC $3.99
Writer(s): Shawn Gabborin
Artist Name(s): Daniel J. Logan (pencils/inks) , Yann Perrelet (colors)
Cover A – Daniel J. Logan (pencils/inks) , Yann Perrelet (colors) (unlimited)
Cover B – Hand Painted Cover: Kelly Williams (pencils/inks/colors)
Cover C – DollFace Character Cover: Dan Mendoza
The end is now! It is up to the puppets not only to save their master, but the entire world! Will they succeed… and will they even survive?? Join us for the finale of Danger Zone’s epic Puppet Master series.
Variant covers limited to 1,500 copies each.
32 pgs./ T+ / FC $3.99
Writer(s): Jason Sterr
Artist Name(s): Daniel Mainé
Cover Artist(s): Simon Fraser
Marcus Greenberg has a very particular set of skills. As a former Navy S.E.A.L., he does the dirty work of our nation’s superheroes, keeping his clients out of the papers and off of death row. With the help of his assistant Russell, a reformed shape-shifting supervillain, Greenberg is the go-to guy for making super-sins disappear. He is: The Consultant.
32 pgs./ M / FC $3.99
Writer(s): Brendan Cahill
Artist Name(s): Jason Federhenn (Art), Josh Burcham (Colors)
Cover Artist(s): Jason Federhenn and Josh Burcham (Cover A), Cody Vrosh (Cover B)
The family makes plans for the estate, and Violet tries to learn everything she can from Edward in the time they have. But Edwina may yet resort to darker means of securing the magical legacy for herself. In the midst of grief, subtle battle lines are drawn.
The second chapter in the three-issue occult family drama! Variant cover by Cody Vrosh!
32 pgs./ T+ / FC $3.99
Writer(s): Jason Martin
Artist Name(s): Winston Young
Cover A – Winston Young main cover (unlimited)
Cover B – Winston Young Risqué variant (limited to 2000)
Cover C – Mark Whitaker Artist variant (limited to 1500)
Cover D – Mark Whitaker Artist risqué (limited to 2000)
Cover E – Danielle Gransaull 90s variant (limited to 1500)
Cover F – Danielle Gransaull 90s risqué (limited to 2000)
After taking the fight to the Glarkian invaders, the nasty space vampires strike back with an even deadlier all-out next level assault! Now it’s up to Katie Carva and her comic shop crew to defend Detroit from alien invasion!!
Features 3 covers (regular, artist, and 90s style), each with a risqué variant!
32 pgs./ M / FC $4.99
Writer(s): Dan Mendoza
Artist Name(s): Marco Maccagni
Cover A – Celor main cover (unlimied)
Cover B – Celor Risqué variant (limited to 2500)
Cover C – Dan Mendoza variant (limited to 2000)
Cover D – Dan Mendoza Risqué variant (limited to 2500)
Cover E – Mark Whitaker Artist variant (limited to 2000)
Cover F – Mark Whitaker Artist Risqué variant (limited to 2500)
Janey returns to Madame George’s abandoned brothel. And what may seem like a dusty trip down memory lane instead turns into a real house of horrors for our Zombie Queen.
Features 3 regular and risqué variants, including two covers from series creator Dan Mendoza (DollFace)!!
32 pgs./ M / FC $4.99
Writer(s): Dan Mendoza
Artist Name(s): Dan Mendoza, Celor
Cover Artist(s): Celor
The battle for dark magic supremacy is at hand as Xula and Janey go head-to-head in an epic showdown for survival and power!
Collects issues 37-40 of the wildly popular ongoing series and features artwork by series creator Dan Mendoza!
128 pgs./ M / FC $14.99