With The Defenders available on Netflix, I’m finally catching up on Luke Cage and one thing has been in the back of my head with every episode: Luke needs his headband back. The silver tiara is one of the most maligned portions of Luke’s old-school attire (which included an amazing yellow silk shirt and questionable chain-belt), proving once again that modern audiences will mock the very things that make a character stand out from the crowd. As Power Man, Luke’s attire was epic, and the headband/wristbands combo define him in my memory, leading to today’s haberdashery query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) can at least accept that Danny Rand doesn’t wear his shirt open to the navel to show off his tattoo anymore, asking: Does Luke Cage need his cool silver headband back or do you just hate joy?
No, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQxhOYqLPdY
If “joy” is the name of Luke’s silver headband, then yes, yes I do hate joy.
Only if a man has no desire to be taken seriously and/or command respect as anything other than a drag queen, only then should he wear a tiara.
I can manage with or without headband but afro should make a comeback. We got enough shaved muscular men as it is.
You framed this question perfectly.
I’m a wordsmith.
I choose joy. And drag queens.