Top Five Summer Memories
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
This week, because Karl demanded it, we reflect on our favorite summer memories.
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I don’t remember demanding this, but it was fun! Also, you did it in 2013 with Rodrigo and Zach.
Were the answers different?
I imagine not, it’s a pretty consistent memory for me. I don’t always tell the night before part of it in mixed company, though….
There was a lot of overlap. Mapping your responses:
165.5 -> New
165.4 -> 44.4
165.3 -> 44.1
165.2 -> 44.2
165.1 -> New
165.5 -> 44.1
165.4 -> 44.5
165.3 -> 44.3
165.2 -> New
165.1 -> 44.2
Matthew has told the “meeting Stacy” story in the following episodes:
#121 …Accidental Discoveries (
#98 …Pleasant Surprises (
It was ranked #1 both times.
Great show! One of MY favorite summer memories: I was 16 and lived with my grandparents that summer so I could have a job. (I was a car hop at Debbie’s Drive In…a root beer stand across from the cemetery.)
I worked nights and spent my afternoons with my grandfather, listening to the Cubs on the radio and reading. I drank ginger ale and he drank PBR. My boyfriend and his buddy came to visit every weekend and I’d hang around the square with my friend and watch the cars do “grit laps.”