One of they best parts of reading comics is the lack of an effects or makeup budget to restrict creativity. As such, we get truly alien alien creatures like Nebulon (a massive C’thulian tentacle beastie), Gates (a moody teleporting pill bug), or the vaguely human undulating bundle of frayed coaxial cable that is the New Mutant called Warlock. Then again, live-action Star Trek did give us the amorphous concrete tunneler known as The Horta, leading to today’s Universal Translated query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would choose Quislet, a joyful extradimensional Legionnaire who is never shown, instead flying about in a tiny rocket ship, asking: What extraterrestrial creature in fiction is the coolest truly alien alien of all?
Visually most interesting is Alien xenomorph but coolest and best alien of all is hands down Superman.
I wonted to say Doggie Kruger of Dekaranger, but he’s still pretty humanoid (even with the dog head). So I have to go with Idikiukup and Bob from “Men in Black”.