The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.
Writer: John Ridley
Artist: Georges Jeanty
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: It’s been a decade since the Civil Defense Corps was exposed as a fraud created by the U.S. Government for propaganda purposes. While most of the heroes who survived the catastrophe have retired or disappeared, the New American still carries on, trying to keep communities safe amid the social turmoil of the 1970s. But with the nation split in two over civil rights and the changing political landscape, this isn’t easy. Some of the American’s former colleagues are on opposite sides of the law: Amber Waves joined a group of domestic terrorists, while Missy, a.k.a. Ole Miss, has thrown her hat into the political ring. As the ground shifts beneath his feet and new threats arise, which side will the American choose?
MATTHEW: I’m surprised but pleased to see a sequel here, as I thought nobody even remembered this book existed. Given the current sociopolitical climate, this may get more attention than the original did several years ago…
Writer: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV
Artist: Andy Kubert, John Romita, Jr.
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
SOLICITATION: The Joker’s surprise attack threatens to lay waste to all of Batman’s carefully laid plans. Will the Dark Knight be able to regain the trust of his closest allies, Green Lantern and Duke, and prevent the forces of darkness from consuming the DC Universe?! Will Hawkman’s warning stop our heroes from peering into the abyss? The great comics event of summer 2017 is on its way, courtesy of superstar writers Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV with art by a master class of comics artists: Andy Kubert, Jim Lee and John Romita Jr.!
STEPHEN: The addition of another world in the multiverse has me hooked, and this book is going to be my first read this week when it arrives. This is a deeper and broader story than I think we realize, so best to read over the pages multiple times.
WAYNE: I’m really excited about ‘Metal’ and its related books! This one sounds particularly interesting, so I can’t wait!
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
SOLICITATION: “INTELLIGENCE” part three! With Zatanna joining the ranks of Batman’s allies, there shouldn’t be any foe the team can’t take on… but does that include their teammate Azrael himself, who just might be cracking up?
STEPHEN: On the one hand, Zatanna. On the other hand, Azrael. I’m going to lean more toward the good aspects of this book than the bad, so I’m definitely picking Detective Comics up this week.
WAYNE: This comic continues to be one of the very best out there! Highly recommended!
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Howard Porter
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
SOLICITATION: “RUNNING SCARED” part two! Barry Allen and Iris West witness a chilling vision of the future courtesy of the Reverse-Flash, who reveals the couple’s legendary romance will yield only darkness for the world of tomorrow. Now, Thawne forces The Flash to make a choice: spend forever alone or doom the future?
WAYNE: I was truly shocked by the previous issue, can’t wait for this one! This is some of the very best Flash I’ve read in years!
Writer: Matt Wagner
Artist: Matt Wagner
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $1.99
SOLICITATION: MATT WAGNER returns with the third and final volume of his epic fantasy trilogy-MAGE: THE HERO DENIED. This long-awaited conclusion follows the adventures of the reluctant everyman hero Kevin Matchstick, who, after encountering a shaggy and beguiling wizard, discovers he is the reincarnation of the legendary Pendragon and able to wield the power of the mystical weapon, Excalibur. The story picks up several years after the fateful climax of THE HERO DEFINED and finds Kevin beginning to once again doubt the virtue of his actions and the course of his destiny.
MATTHEW: *distant excited shrill screams of excitement*
Writer: Gene Luen Yang
Artist: Billy Tan
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Shanghai falls – and Emperor Super-Man rules the ashes! With an army of super villains on the streets, The Justice League of China leads the movement to take the city back. New Super-Man’s head isn’t in the game upon discovering the shocking secret of his mother’s true identity, Wonder-Woman has been transformed and Bat-Man overwhelmed! It’s up to I-Ching and the New Flash of China to snap Kenan out of it and save Shanghai!
MATTHEW: Wanna see the book that nobody expects to be the best thing DC is putting out? Bam, here’s your comic…
Writer: Brian Clevinger
Artist: Lo Baker
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Action, Adventure, Excitement—oh wait, I’m sorry, what? We’ve already been sued? I’m sorry, how much? Okaaay, well! You better order a lot of these and help us out.
STEPHEN: A great series that just keeps getting better with each issue and each release. The Atomic Robo universe continues to grow and every issue is worth picking up.
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