When I go on my morning walk/job/but mostly walk, I see most of the neighborhood people wearing coordinated clothing, even though they are about to sweat through them and will look worse for wear at the end of their exercise. Me? I could care less what I wear when I’m working out; as long as it is achieve what the clothes should do, it really doesn’t matter. Or does it?
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If I coordinate, it tends to be accidentally. If I’m walking, biking, etc. I just throw on comfortable stuff. I also teach dance classes, and sew my own leggings. Mermaid scale leggings and D&D t-shirt? Why not!
Looking at my stained track pants, nope.
With all the different types of stuff I do, I need more functional. But when I’m kicking some one I’m sure it does not matter to them what I’m wearing.
It matters in as far as making sure you don’t wear anything offensive to other people, especially if you’re in a gym. It’s just good manners.
I agree. Especially since I might be wearing a “$&#$ you” t-shirt and a Devo hat…
what’s ‘working out’?
I just try to make sure I’m wearing pants.