Here is your first look at Luke Cage #1 from David F. Walker, Nelson Blake II, and Marvel Comics.
LUKE CAGE #1 (MAR170990)
Written by DAVID F. WALKER
Cover by RAHZZAH
Variant Covers by ANDRE LEROY DAVIS (MAR170992) & MIKE DEODATO (MAR170991)
Hip Hop Variant by TIM BRADSTREET (MAR170993)
Classic Variant by NEAL ADAMS (MAR170994)
It’s big trouble in the Big Easy! Dr. Noah Burstein, the man who made Luke Cage into the unbreakable hero he is today, is dead. So when Luke heads to New Orleans for the funeral of his mentor and father figure, he’s looking for answers. Mysterious billionaires, a woman with a secret, super-powered gangs and more than a few shadowy figures lead Luke to the conclusion that there’s more to this death than meets the eye. This Hero for Hire is on the case for free, and so help anyone who stands in his way!
Cage is out for answers – and he’s not above using a little force to get them! The underworld of New Orleans won’t know what hit them when Luke Cage comes to town!
Luke Cage #1 arrives on May 17, 2017.