With the Power Rangers in theatres (and the public consciousness) again, I’ve been thinking about the fascination with the original Ranger team. At this point, there have been more than 200 US Rangers, including ninjas, samurai, cowboys and one moon-wolf, each with his/her own merits, but the originals stick in many minds. The combo of leader, renegade, nerd, cool guy, quiet one and girly-girl is potent, and those archetypes attractive, leading to today’s morphenomenal query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is actually okay with a popularity contest for once, as all the Rangers have points in their favor, but the answer is Zach, asking: Of the first generation American Rangers, which is the MIGHTIEST Morphin’ Power Ranger of all?
Well, the mightiest has to be either Jason or Tommy if we include him, but I’ve alway liked Trini the most. Not only because she is calm and collected and graceful, but also because Saber-toothed Tiger is the coolest zord of them all!
If you include Tommy, then Tommy. Not just because he’s got the power-up Dragon Shield or the coolest zord, but because he could show up late and be the one to clean up the mess the others made.
Otherwise, I have to hand it to Billy. He might not have had the martial arts prowess of Jason or Trini, or the graceful moves of Zack or Kimberly, but he had the brains to do things the others couldn’t do if they pooled their intellects together. Need a weapon powered up? Ask Billy. Need alternate transportation to the Command Center, the moon or another dimension? Ask Billy. Need to bring back Zordon or Alpha from damages caused by the forces of evil? Ask Billy.
Honestly, I’d include Tommy, Aisha, Kat and Adam.
But not Rocky.
Frickin’ Rocky. :)